Day 11 (Destination - Vrilya Point)
All the locals we spoke to said Vrilya Point was the place to go for fishing so off we set. Before getting the ferry back across the Jardine, we checked out a few more points of interest. Somerset ruins and the graves of early pioneers, the Jardines. Again, no signs so we weren't really sure whether we were in the right spot. We also went to see 2 of the WW2 plane wrecks that remain in the area. These were interesting enough and it helped that there was a plaque with some information about what happened. You can still see large sections of the planes and visualise where it came down.

We stopped in Bamaga briefly to refill out water tanks, buy bread and beer.....although we were an hour too early for the bottle shop to open so we had to hang around a bit longer. We had lunch under a shady tree just outside Bamaga and then drove out to Seisia for a quick look. This is where Brett spoke to someone at the petrol station who said "yes go to Vrilya Point, good fishing but BIG crocs. Don't go near the water at all, and keep your camp fire burning at night"..... Yikes! We decided we still had to go and check it out, couldn't be that bad surely.
Finally got our beer and headed back to the Jardine ferry.....only to find that the ferryman had gone on lunch and it grinds to a halt. The joined the several vehicles already parked under shady trees just waiting...waiting...waiting! It was over an hour before the ferryman returned and resumed operations and we were on our way again.
The turn off to Vrilya Point is not too far south of the ferry, driving straight past it at first (apparently the navigator wasn't doing her job..woops). We felt sure the corregations on the main road had worsened in the 3 days since we last drove through. The road to Vrilya Point wasn't that much better and involved driving over a rather precarious looking log bridge with a nice wide gap right where the wheels could go.
We wanted to go to North Vrilya Point which meant driving along the beach for about 11kms. Brett dropped the tyre pressures and we managed it just fine. We stopped briefly to look at the old light ship wreck. Not much remaining but interesting just the same.
We continued on the headland where we found a dozen or so other campers, immediately feeling abit more comfortable. Hopefully any marauding crocs would think twice with so many people around. The camp ground is quite far back from the high tide line for the most part so we felt quite safe. There was loads of flotsom and jetsom around, washed up from somewhere. Someone had got creative with some bits of fishing net that must have washed up and had made a sort of 'thong' tree and hammock out of it. The bad thing about Vrilya - the flies...everywhere!
We set up camp and decided to throw the lines in for a bit. Brett and Annieka caught 2 small flathead but nothing else. After dark at least the flies give you a break.
Day 12
Woke to a very low tide, the water is right out for miles so the kids are exploring the sandbanks finding hermit crabs and interesting shells. Brett has gone looking for a good spot to throw in the crab pots. There is apparently a creek behind us somewhere but requires a bit of a walk and is easier to get to during low tide.
The rest of the day was spent attempting to fish and getting terribly sunburnt (me). We all practised cast netting (and caught lots of little flathead and throwing them back), Brett got a really good bite once and thought for a second he had the 'big' one but wasn't to be.